AFIX Differentiator
Regional Clusters -Remote Search/Data Collaboration

In addition to searching their own local data, AFIX Tracker systems may submit encrypted searches to other individual local agencies’ AFIX databases and receive results via the AFIX Remote Message Server (RMS).
In some areas regional databases have been established in larger agencies (usually County Sheriffs) to consolidate bookings from nearby AFIX Tracker systems and from some agencies with only live scan systems – some of which are lower-level offenses not reported to the state. The regional “cluster” concept allows the participating agencies to focus searches at the local level as well as searching the comprehensive regional collections in a single search/response transaction.
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SQL Server
EBTS files, meta data and search results are held on SQL Server. AFIX Face may also be hosted on this server or on a network workstation to process incoming records and search requests.
Dedicated Engine Box (DEB)
DEBs are processor-dense systems which host multiple AFIX Engine clients to facilitate the distributed processing of search tasks. DEBs may be configured and combined to provide scalability for large databases.