Knomi Mobile Biometrics

Biometrics In the Palm of Your Hand

Use mobile devices to conduct biometric enrollment and authentication with the Knomi® framework. The Knomi framework provides secure and convenient facial and speaker recognition for mobile, multifactor authentication.

Use mobile devices to conduct biometric enrollment and authentication.

Want to learn more?

Level 1

Level 2

Knomi features NIST-tested algorithms, highly configurable user experience and security functions, presentation attack detection, multimodal performance, identity proofing and document capture and verification, server or mobile architecture, IAM system integration, and support for iOS/Android/Windows/Linux.

Architectural support

Besides supporting a full range of mobile and server-based operating systems, the Knomi platform is available in device-centric, server-centric, and browser-based configurations.

Knomi Mobile Biometric Authentication

Knomi document capture and verification

Document capture and verification and facial matching for identity proofing upon mobile onboarding

Document Authentication

Knomi Framework

Integration with market leading identity and access management platforms

Biometric Platform

Want to learn more?

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